Sunday, January 18, 2015

LESSON LEARNED! Always Act On Promptings.

January 12, 2015
Hello! The week flew by! We are on the third week of the transfer! Tomorrow I have five months in Chile!!! Also tomorrow  HAPPY BIRTHDAY MONTY!!!!  Yay! Hope you have a wonderful day! You deserve it. Love you! And of course, Happy Anniversary Ma and Pa!!!! You guys are great. Go to Cheesecake Factory and eat some Tuxedo for me hahaha! Love you, family!!

So to start, Hermana Huber is back in La Reina. Long story, but we are happy to have her back again for her FINAL transfer. I am going to send a package with her in February, so she can mail it to you guys. It will be easier that way.

 So yes, here I am in Chile. I am Hermana Mittleman, and life is pretty good. So on Thursday of this week Hermana Huber and I went to central Santiago, in the Santiago West mission, to do some visa stuff. We were there ALL day! It was crazy. There were a bunch of people! To say it simply, there are three places you have to go when getting your visa for the first time. Lots of walking. LOTS of buildings. Lots of sol. But, we saw two other hermanas there too! Hermana Aponte and Hermana Cabreras. Hermana Aponte is one of my best friends who I met in the CCM!!!! She is from Kentucky and was in the CCM for two weeks too like me. Lolzzz. So we spent a lot of time talking and walking around central Santiago together. Our numbers in line were 124 mas o menos, and when we arrived they were on 24 or something. So yep, lots of bonding jaja. It was so good to spend some time with her. We talked about life and the mission, and she answered some deep questions that have been pressing upon my heart lately regarding missionary work. DEEP RIGHT.

Anyways. Saturday, we had a capilla abierta in our capilla!!! The four hermanas in our pension, our zone leaders, and our district leader and his companion participated. It was good. One of our investigators came! Alicia! When the zone leaders were talkiing about baptism in the room where the baptismal font is, they invited Alicia to be baptized! She accepted! She could not come to church with us the next day, but we stopped by her house after lunch and talked with her. We read from the Book of Mormon with her, and talked about the capilla abierta, and her feelings about it. As we were getting ready to go, I felt a prompting to set a baptismal date for her. But we had already spent about an hour, and I knew it was already time to go. As we got up to leave to give her a hug and a besito, she just straight up asked us "And, would I have to wait a long time to get baptized?" ....We were like what? No!! Just three weeks so you can attend church! So we invited her to baptism on the 8th of February! We are nervous, because Alicia told us whenever she is fully submerged in water she gets sick. Por eso, she does not shower too often. It is hard for her to get up in the morning because sometimes she cannot sleep at night because she has so much pain. Her diabetes and rhumatism (spelling??) are pretty bad. But, WE HAVE FAITH IN THE LORD. She is sooo precious and sooo interested. We are praying our little hearts out for her. The Lord has a plan for her! Also, right after we left, Hermana Gomez told me she had the same feeling to set a date with Alicia. LESSON LEARNED. Always act on promptings. Enough said.

It is soooo hot here right now jaja! Lots of sunscreen. Lots of water. Summer, summer. 
Wow, birthday!!! Umm...... Can’t think of anything haha! Prayers? Maybe a winter coat?? Food is good. Lots of salad, chicken, pasta, etc. jajaja.
It was a hard week because I was just a little too emotional jajaja. Lots of praying in my heart. I can honestly say the Lord has given me the necessary strength when I needed it most. He lives. 

ALSO YES NEW MISSION PRESIDENT IS MARTY MORGAN FROM LA MESA CALIFORNIA. Ah! Crazzzy! I love President and Hermana Wright. T´will be so sad when they leave. But life goes on! Life changes. And so must we. Every day we can be a little more prepared to live in the presence of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. 

Love being a missionary. It’s the best. Yesterday I had a lovely time remembering Jesus Christ. Love Him! He is my everything. My Redeemer. Every day, I live for HIM. I love the account in the Book of Mormon when Jesus Christ appears to the Nephites in the Americas. He invites the people to come unto Him and touch the marks in His hands. ALL OF US HAVE THE SAME OPPORTUNITY TO COME UNTO CHRIST EVERY SUNDAY AS WE PARTAKE OF THE BREAD AND WATER. It is a sacred ordinance. I know He lives. I know He loves me. Family, have an amazing week! 

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